The Nation is quickly becoming a parody

Posted by backtothepavilion


  1. ctrl-alt-fuck-off on

    I can’t think of a worse example of a progressive magazine which claims to speak for ordinary people against The Elites actually being more out of touch with ordinary people than associating football with hypermasculinty and violence.

  2. Found the article: [The Dark Side of the Democratic Party’s Embrace of Football | The Nation](

    “Claiming this sport and the NFL means claiming all the violent detritus that comes with it. ”

    “This championing of conservative symbols like football, in other words, could cost Harris and Walz the election, and it will be their own doing.”

    If I was to steel man their argument, it’s that young people are more interested in policy rather than culture war fights that ultimately mean nothing. “Young people care about racism, the economy, climate change, Palestine, and a host of other issues given short shrift at the convention.”.

    One of the underlying problems with this article is they assume Football and patriotism are right wing, “Football—and the reclamation of patriotic symbology—is pulling the Democratic Party to the right.”.

  3. RetardevoirDullade on

    We really gotta ban the usage the word “masculinity” in political op-eds that are unrelated to biology

  4. What is with these magazines thinking they know exactly what Young Voters think and feel? As if they’re all a monolith who all agree with each other which by extension means they all agree with these magazines. Whose actual regular readership is not very young anyway. 

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