Early election ‘more likely’ Singh says after pulling out of deal with Trudeau

Posted by IHateTrains123


  1. omnipotentsandwich on

    I feel like Polievre will be the Canadian Trump. He’ll come in with a majority, become deeply unpopular, and leave after one term. He’ll be replaced by an older, more establishment figure in the Liberal Party. Probably Justin Trudeau.

  2. Know what, fuck it let’s rip this bandaid off. Let Skippy step on his own dick for a few years, give the LPC a reason to try again.

  3. Ilikewaterandjuice on

    I am sceptical that NDP will cause a snap election. Singh needs some time to establish a separate identity/ policy platform from Trudeau. The Conservatives are terrified of this- that voters will realize that the NDP is everything they like about the Liberals, without the fatigue of almost 10 years in power. Conservatives are offering nothing other than rage.

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