I never make posts, so don't expect much from me. It just seems odd that I haven't seen much on Tim Pool here and now this with Tulsi? (Today is my first time hearing of both)

I know it's DOJ vs TSA, but they are the same entity. Is this just some last ditch effort? Why go through all of this? They control the media as it…

Posted by MommysLiLstinker


  1. Tulsi is literally an officer in the psychological warfare division… it’s just another psyop…

  2. Quadruple S feels like a different thing than her claims of being placed on a secret terror watch list.

    It can happen to anyone, here’s an article from a few years ago talking about it:

    > “Many travelers unknowingly flag themselves due to inconsistent but innocuous travel behaviors such as booking a last-minute ticket or paying in cash,” says Harrison, who suggests thinking of a travel profile like a credit rating. “If you exhibit behavior that is inconsistent with your profile—say, for example, suddenly adopting a jet-setting pattern—this is a red flag and a potential alert for drug or human trafficking. Consistency is king.”

    [What to Know If an SSSS Code Shows Up on Your Boarding Pass](https://www.cntraveler.com/story/what-to-know-if-an-ssss-code-shows-up-on-your-boarding-pass)

  3. Faintly-Painterly on

    On the topic of Tim Pool, I was a pretty big fan of Timcast for a while, I was even a member, but honestly the more I watched the more I just felt him to be a soggy biscuit and the less interested I have become in hearing what he thinks about anything. This video that I found the other day pretty well sums up why I ended up falling away from him [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXJ7PItu8g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXJ7PItu8g)

    But if you like his show I don’t want to take that away from you or anything, this is just how I feel as a former fan.

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