The Italian town that banned cricket

Posted by SableSnail


  1. >In Monfalcone, Italians in Western clothes mingle with Bangladeshis wearing shalwar kameez and hijabs. There are Bangladeshi restaurants and halal shops, **and a network of cycle paths mostly used by the South Asian community**.

    >In her two terms in office, Ms Cisint has removed the benches in the town square where Bangladeshis used to sit and railed against what Muslim women wear at the beach.

    >“There’s a very strong process of Islamic fundamentalism here,” she says.

    The horror! Can you imagine, one day you invite migrants, and then the next day a bicycle path magically appears. This is obviously a ploy by Islamic fundamentalists to make the invasion of Europe quicker and more woke! They even installed benches to provide strategic breaks for their ungodly forces.

    Thank god we have people like Cisint, who can create good Christian urban design!

  2. Attitudes like this are one of the main reason that Italy is in the toilet. Italians don’t want to improve their country, they believe it is the best country in the world already. Young Italians who are a lot more modern and Liberal all emigrate as there’s no jobs so nothing every changes. The whole country is run by various mafia‐style cartels who pass each other jobs and keep out newcomers. Middle-aged people nominally do multiple jobs on paper and get multiple salaries and pensions.  Meanwhile Italians have a chip on their shoulder that the country is considered a joke in Northern Europe. 

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