Scarborough: ‘Autocrat’ Trump Will Decide Who Goes to Jail, Take TV Stations Off the Air

Posted by intelligentreviews


  1. Don’t you threaten me with a good time.

    But seriously, I don’t think Trump would do what the Democrats do.

  2. thatrightwinger on

    I don’t remember that happening when he was president before. Sounds more like the Biden regime.

  3. Commander-Grammar on

    Yeah, he would decide that criminals go to jail instead of his political rivals.

    Well, most of his political rivals are criminals. . .so something something don’t drop the soap.

  4. Well, theres at least one skeleton in your closet, Joe. How does a young intern fall in your office?

  5. Isn’t Trump running for President? So just how the hell is he going to turn into a prosecutor or a judge much less a 12 person jury.

  6. Trump won’t take those clowns off the air. I think he fully enjoys watching that freak show.

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