"Think about how powerful vaccines are as an idea. The biological product itself is worthless. But as an idea, vaccines have the unrivaled ability to hypnotize people and convince them to abandon their core values.

Vaccines make scientists and doctors completely abandon science and medicine. Randomized controlled trials? Who needs those? Post-market surveillance? Why would we do that? Automated reporting of side effects? What, are you some kind of nutter?

Vaccines make the left completely abandon their understanding of capital. The left pretends that vaccines descend like magic from the sky with no relationship to corporate power or profit. The left conceives of scientists and doctors as a priestly class (without the pedophilia) unbothered by worldly concerns like paying the mortgage or keeping up with the Joneses.

Vaccines make the right completely abandon their theory of the state. The state, that previously could do nothing right, when it comes to vaccines, the state is seen as pure, efficient, on the side of the people, and infallible.

Vaccines are a cult in a vial, an idea as powerful as religion and yet proclaimed to be secular. The idea of vaccines hits about as hard as high-grade heroin. The idea of vaccines quite literally causes people to lose their minds and their lives. I've never seen anything like it."

–Toby Rogers


Posted by 2023_CK_

1 Comment

  1. SS: Vaxxes have become a religion to the masses and the vax god- like all gods- demands human sacrifice, which we eagerly comply with and have for over a century.

    Vaxxes had nothing to do with the decline of infectious diseases. (Polio was really due to DDT poisoning, not a virus, and only 10% of the world got the smallpox vax and smallpox wasn’t eradicated at all- it was merely rebranded as “monkeypox”.) Vaxxes are and always have been about stealth depopulation.

    The fact that we are so easily brainwashed by the PTB guarantees they will win.


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