The main themesong of the game, is racist at best, and pdf word, at worst… nevermind how racist it is to white people, but how does a team of people working on song lyrics for a game think that rhyming "newborn" with "newporn " is okay? How was this even allowed and why did no one on the team say, hey this sounds kinda suss maybe we should go with a different song lyric?

There's a part in the game where the main character is fighting against imaginary enemies that spread "disinformation"

One of the lines of disinformation is – "they are murdering our children. The pizza is a front"

Watch from 1:11:44 on this video

This reference to a very niche conspiracy from 2016 has nothing to do with the storyline at all. No other mention in the game, to any pizza conspiracy in this alternate timeline… It's a "blink and you'd miss it moment" But they kept it in the game for some reason.

A few minutes before this, a symbol that looks very similar to the original Nambla logo is shown several times on screen (Nambla have changed their logo since 2016, but you can look it up)

The game was funded by the EU taxpayers money too.

Posted by crash1179


  1. Testikles_the_Great on

    I luckily never played that piece of dogshit, but going by your post, couldnt it just be that they put things known as disinformation into the voicelines of the guys that you’re apparrently fighting for their disinformation?

  2. >a game for LGBTQ 

    Sorry, this is a tangent but why have the alphabet people got their own video games? Is there something in mainstream games that make them ‘unsafe’? Is Super Mario transphobic?

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