Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

Posted by triggernaut


  1. They are hell-bent on censorship. They wouldn’t be pushing this so hard if they didnā€™t have something giving them momentum. Is it a pre-Trump strategy or a signal to Harris they’ll back her if she backs them? Or something broader, deeper?

  2. The anti-internet forces never quit. They were trying to lock down the internet before smartphones became popular, and we thought they would never lock down the internet.

    Now 95% of people think the internet is just a bunch of match-3 games and news articles, but they’re *still* trying to lock the internet *more*. If these people teleported back in time thousands of years they would set fire to the first royal library they see.

  3. sure, sounds good. we can copy the wording from the american 2nd amendment and put a nice “shall not be infringed” standard on social media speech.

    if blair isn’t interested in that, well, the founding fathers fought for the right to not worry about what tony blair thinks.

  4. NinjaAncient4010 on

    The ruling class are turning western societies into “utopias” that threaten to devolve into race war if the people are permitted to speak freely (see the United Kingdom), so this is not surprising.

  5. These people are going to put themselves on lockdown from information, and I bet most couldn’t use a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, or Dewey decimal system if they tried.

  6. He needs some dental work so his speech is restricted from his crooked gap teeth. All these people who want free speech to be censored should be shut up first.

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