The Devil Baal appears on a 50 Euro banknote

Posted by QuetzalcoatlReturns

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  1. QuetzalcoatlReturns on

    **SS**: Baal worship is strong today. The “Balenciaga scandal” was a series of photo-shoots by the famous fashion company a number of years ago and showed some very disturbing things. It depicted children with inappropriate bondage and horned imagery. What caught people’s attention, however, was the fact that on a roll of tape, “Balenciaga” was misspelled as “Baalacediga,” which many interpreted as a reference to Baal.

    Another piece of evidence suggesting that Baal worship is alive and kicking, are the Arches of Baal that were erected in New York and London in 2016, bull symbolism at important events like the Paris Olympics, and all the horned symbolism by the elite. Also, when you write “Baal-enci-aga” into ‘Google translate’ and change it to Latin, it spits out: “Baal the king”. This is obvsiously not a correct translation, but whoever coded this did it for a reason.

    We also have, as another piece of evidence suggesting Baal worship continues, TV shows and movies that reference Baal, such as The Fresh Price of Bel Air, which is essentially a clever way of saying, “Bel, Prince of the Air” — and on the cover for the movie art for Leave The World Behind’, the letters in the actors’ names are arranged in such a way that they spell “Baal”. Above Baal also appears on a €50 Euro.


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