Mario Draghi outlines his plan to make Europe more competitive: The continent needs investment on a par with the Marshall Plan and a lot more innovation, says the former central banker

Posted by Avreal

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  1. Interesting bits:

    > the report calls on the eu to act like other major economies and build a genuine eu “foreign economic policy”: co-ordinating preferential trade agreements and direct investment with resource-rich countries; building up stockpiles in selected critical areas; and creating industrial partnerships to secure the supply chain for key technologies. 

    > The report also calls for Europe to build up its defence-industrial capacity. The eu’s defence industry is too fragmented and suffers from a lack of standardisation and interoperability of equipment. For its companies to integrate and reach scale, Europe needs to aggregate and focus its spending.


    > Important decisions lie ahead about how to finance Europe’s investment needs. Integrating its capital markets will be crucial. Europe has high household savings but they are not channelled into productive investments in the eu. 

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