Trump says his plan to expel millions of immigrants will be a ‘bloody story’

Posted by reubencpiplupyay


  1. reubencpiplupyay on

    It’s incredibly depressing that a large portion of the American population seems to revel in inflicting violence and misery on those they see as different. Is this just a human thing? Is it built into our DNA? Are we ever going to be rid of it through cultural evolution alone, or will we need to resort to biology?

    Nonetheless, this is a worrying new development in violent rhetoric from the very top of the Republican Party, and yet another reminder that if there is any group in American society that can be characterised as ravening bloodhounds unworthy of America, it is the xenophobes, not the illegal immigrants.


  2. HotTakesBeyond on

    *As was previously reported by the New York Times, Trump’s vision for America includes mass deportations that will be so extensive that “huge camps” will be needed to detain people. To execute his vision, Trump has proposed the creation of a deportation force pulled from local police and National Guard troops volunteered by “Republican-run states”*

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