This is an actual school breakfast schedule in America. No protein, no vitamins, only sugar, sugar, and more sugar. How are kids supposed to learn eating this garbage? They would be better off eating nothing at all. This is one way to control a population, through poor nutrition.

Posted by greggerypeccary


  1. greggerypeccary on

    SS: This was posted by a concerned parent and frankly it’s appalling. What happened to the “balanced breakfast” we used to hear so much about. What is the effect on children’s learning on this type of diet? This is one way to keep populations docile and stupid, make their food poison.

  2. HorrorRoutine349 on

    I’m pretty sure juice has vitamins. Dave Chappelle taught us the difference between juice and drink major difference was vitamins.

  3. UniqueImprovements on

    Because if you start them young, they’ll become patients for life in the healthcare system. Our system is not designed to produce healthy, robust individuals. It’s about keeping people sick and hooked on pills. This “menu” is 100% going to cause type 2 diabetes. You couldn’t script a better plan to get someone there.

  4. RomanEmpireNeverFell on

    Would you be in support of better publicly funded school meal programs? I’m sure that the educators would love to serve their students eggs and bacon but simply don’t have the funding to provide it.

    When you consider that 20% of American children are food insecure I’ll take a muffin or some cereal over nothing.

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