I’m extremely interested in all conspiracy theories and love learning more. I’d like to know what are some reasons behind 9/11? Why did 9/11 happen? How come when you fold up the $20 bill it shows the World Trade Center bombings and stuff like that?

Posted by Taltits00


  1. Could this just be a coincidence or confirmation bias? Because there are balconies in the towers which weren’t on the towers. And how did you get this outcome folding the bill?

  2. Planes did not bring down towers, Building 7 which was not struck by a plane, but still collapsed at freefall speed onto its own foundation makes that obvious. What it did was cause a surge in military recruitment, much like Pearl Harbor, and give the US reason to launch 2 wars which were completely pointless for National Security, but beneficial to Israel.

  3. alienrefugee51 on

    My favorite 9/11 conspiracy theory is that an old man, ex-CIA operative on kidney dialysis, orchestrated the whole thing in a cave.

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