Liberal MP says her constituents are very adamant Justin Trudeau needs to go

Posted by brolybackshots


  1. >Mendes is one of a small number of Liberal MPs who have been willing to speak out publicly about ongoing dissatisfaction with Trudeau and his leadership.

    >Asked if she thinks the party would be better off with Trudeau gone, Mendes said: “Yes, that’s what I would deduct from all the comments that I heard.

    >”It’s not the Liberal Party per se that is the cause. It’s really the leadership of the prime minister.”

    >Mendes is a long-time Liberal.

    >After working for a federal Liberal cabinet minister, Mendes was elected as an MP in 2008 representing Montreal’s south shore. She lost to an NDP candidate in the Orange Wave that swept over Quebec in the 2011 election.

    >After that defeat, she served in a senior party role as president of the Quebec chapter of the Liberal Party of Canada. She was returned to Parliament in the 2015 campaign and has served ever since.

    >Mendes said it “saddens” her to hear the anti-Trudeau sentiment.

    !ping Can

  2. I wrote my MP about a year ago and said I thought it was time for Trudeau to go. Never heard back. MP is Bardish Chagger.

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