I'm confused as to how flight 93 cockpit voice recorder became embedded 25 feet underground. I understand how it could make a crater 25 feet deep but how was it able to bury itself?

Meanwhile fragments of the aircraft were discovered 1.5 miles away from the point of impact.

So part of the plane buried itself and part of it bounced?

Please help me understand this on a physics level.

Posted by Far-Hovercraft-6514


  1. Pictures of the ‘crash site’ are so at odds with those of other airplane crashes that it’s laughable – there are always seats and luggage strewn over a huge area for a start, and bodies too (though they normally clear them out of the way before the press take photos)

  2. The “scar” in Pennsylvania is from a mine, the plane used was shot down over PA, by a fighter jet not following orders (he was relieved from duty after) the real flight 93 landed in Ohio. The passengers were off loaded and removed—
    They were given “phone calls” to make it seem real. Something you can’t do at the altitude or at that speed. The real evidence is nothing from the cargo or bodies of the plane were found. Same shit with the official story of the pentagon.

  3. strawberrycircus on

    I’m not sure, but I personally knew someone who was killed on that plane. She is definitely dead or gone.

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