MSNBC’s Ali Velshi: Republicans Don’t Care About Babies After They’re Born

Posted by each_thread


  1. I mean, are they trying to push the narrative that, the only way you’re allowed to be pro-life is if you personally pay for everything for that child until they die?

  2. wake-me-disclosure on

    Oh that’s rich coming from Democrats who don’t care about killing babies BEFORE they’re born

    Really sick

  3. USA_USA_USA_1776 on

    It’s rich to hear this from the party that supports putting children on puberty blockers, and letting children have top/bottom surgery. 

  4. Fuck look how hard it is to get them born, laws apply at that point if mom kills it after it’s born she goes to prison. It’s the unpunished crime that makes it even worse. You murder your child with no repercussions. I can’t imagine living with yourself if you gave it a second, thought. All this his sends the signal that this behavior is accepted, and it becomes normalized.

    What about adoption? And despite what any of you say, I won’t and do not believe anyone is making women deliver rape babies or dead babies.

    Meanwhile, dad has no options to sign away parental rights and is financially and emotionally locked to the mother and child for life.

    They hypocrisy is absurd.

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