The stories about the illegal immigrants, particularly Haitians, committing barbaric acts on wildlife and people’s pets are being scrubbed from the internet and replaced with articles from fact-checkers about how this is not happening.

I use search engines that provide actual results and found the bodycam footage of the police interaction with the savage that ate a neighbor’s cat. She strung it up on a tree to field dress it like deer hunters do. Imagine you leave your cat in the safety of your backyard and come home to your cultural enrichment of your pet strung up in a neighbor’s tree. FFS what is it going to take for people to stop accepting this insanity and voting for people who give protective status to literally uncivilized savages? Here is the proof. How soon will this get removed?

Posted by pinkowlkitty


  1. MousseBackground9964 on

    So the very thing the citizens have been screaming that has been going on, is in fact, going on even though local LE and politicians are screaming that it is just a right wing conspiracy theory? Kinda like the crime getting too bad in NYC they were bringing in the NG? Or inflation is transitory?, or the border is service?, or we are not at war with Russia?

  2. These people absolutely hate the American citizenry. All they have is lies. They wouldn’t be able to pull this bs if it wasn’t for the 2013 removal of the smith mundt provisions that has let them lie constantly and with great relish with both the gov and msm.

    It will only get worse. They want to replace most of the population and have a intercultural interracial melting pot of different peoples that all hate each other so they can let the plebs fight amongst themselves and they will know no one will ever be able to come together and stand up to them because of their own differences.. They have been planning this forever… The left HATES normal patriotic Americans, normal families, white people… They are dead set on totally destroying your way of life.

    Then they will steal this election and keep doing it with their mail in fraud and 30 million illegals this time around. No proof of the mail in fraud as the method itself precludes there being any and 10 mill people already registered with NO ID… wonder why.

  3. >I use search engines

    Just searching “ohio kill cat” on Google already shows that this case was in the news, it is not the “secret they are hiding from you” [](

    Her name is Alexis Telia Ferrell and there is no good basis for her being Haitian.

    The surname Ferrel has been common in Ohio since the 1920s, and the other people with that surname were also in the U.S. [](

    I didn’t even have to go into LiveLeak 2.0 and draw conclusions about someone’s heritage based entirely on their skin color, and the police have not yet received reports of missing or stolen cats, which is the claim circulated on social media.

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