Police Chief Shawn Taylor of Millersville Police Department in Tennessee exposes The Biggest Corruption Story In America.

Posted by shotukan


  1. SS: Police Chied Shawn Taylor’s police station and home was raided by the TBI (Tennessee Bureau of Investigation) and had all files seized that showed evidence of corruption, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and election fraud. They even pissed in his bathtub and tracked piss through the house on the way out the door.

  2. So, this is more three-letter agency propaganda. They (banks) are going to pull the rug out on the bubble with another ’08 style crash and will blame “China” and other things mentioned in this fake LARP.

    So tired of these planted stories. Now, what? They’ll blame the stolen/fake election on China? and everything that collapses on “a foreign adversary”

    Give me a fcking break.

    >”We’ve identified major corruption that is transnational; it involves the BRICS nations, China, and investment companies, ”

    >”This is a multifaceted attack from a foreign adversary who is bribing our local, municipal, county, state, and federal politicians to keep it from coming to light.”


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