Mark Kelly: Trump ‘Willing to Send You to Jail or Prosecute You for Just Disagreeing with Him’

Posted by triggernaut


  1. He must not have been copied on the Democrats’ talking points about shutting down X to “save democracy.”

  2. You mean like the left in the UK after the disarmament of its citizens and the dilution of national identity via mass immigration? Sounds oddly familiar.

  3. BruceCampbell123 on

    He has shown zero precedent for this. He could have pursued Hillary with her emails but he chose not to. Their accusations are confessions.

  4. It’s amazing how people like him can say that with a straight face knowing his party is currently the ones doing exactly what he’s saying he thinks Trump would do even though he didn’t do it the last time he was in office 🤦‍♂️

  5. JeanLucPicard1981 on

    Haven’t they been going after Trump for 8 years already because he disagrees with them in a loud way? They aren’t going after him for “justice” because most of the things they accuse Trump of they do themselves.

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