Ya’ll think Larry Silverstein had insider knowledge of 9/11?

Posted by OneLooseNoose


  1. He was an extremely important part of the first step of the operation: Gain total control of the WTC Complex

    EDIT: Not to mention his reason for purchasing the WTC was that he “had a compelling urge to own them” in July 2001. He also took out an insurance policy worth billions specifically covering terrorism, and then went in for a long term legal dispute claiming he should get double the insurance payout since 2 planes crashed into the towers.

    And the cherry on top, he would eat breakfast in the windows on the world restaurant located near the top of the North tower every single morning…he broke this routine the morning of September 11 because of a “dermatologist appointment”

    Oh and 2 of his kids worked at the WTC as well, they did not show up for work that morning.

    I’m sure all of this is just coincidence though.

  2. It may be a coincidence that he didn’t go there that day. It was not likely a coincidence that an Odigo message warned of an imminent attack on the towers that day shorty before it occurred. It was not a coincidence that insider trading on the airlines used was found by a peer reviewed analysis that has never been contested. Somebody knew about the attacks, the day the place and someone knew what airlines were going to be used.

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