What does it mean

Posted by Benebs-


  1. It’s because Haitians keep eating geese or cats in Ohio and other states where a large number of Haitian refugees reside

  2. Objective-Title-681 on

    Means Haitian immigrants in Ohio, are eating cats and ducks openly in public that they catch. Obviously, the ducks are wild and the cats are feral or peoples pets.

  3. KillItWithFireTwice on

    I’m guessing you haven’t seen the claims that illegal immigrants(mostly Haitians) have been catching, killing and cooking ducks, geese and in some cases cats. The dissident right has stuck claim to the idea that Trump is the savior for this as well as every other problem. NGL, I find this meme funny but somehow I get the feeling he is going to make less of a wall if he has another term in office. This isn’t an attack on Trump, I don’t care enough to bother but yeah, scattered claims of crimes by illegals and the fanciful notion that Trump is going to avenge it is the meme here.

  4. forgottofeedthecat on

    We love our black cats! They make up only 13% of the animals we have onboard, but they are the best! 

  5. VeeKeepingIshReal on

    It means “Grab em by the pussy” what else??? Fucking politics. Corrupt from the inside out.

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