The current child replacement rates in the U.S are below 1.62. You need to maintain 2.1 or higher to maintain a population. Or you will have to accept mass migration which is what we’ll get into.

The establishment has psychologically manipulated the population into accepting things like abortions, birth control, feminism, h0m0sexuality, tran$genderism, immigration. These factors are all threats to the child replacement rates. You will have indoctrinated people try to gaslight you and say that it’s because of a bad economy, which is true, but that’s also another factor. They are trying to make people not want to have kids. How could you ever argue that ABORTION doesn’t contribute to falling child replacement rates.

Iv said it befor but liberal ideologies are destabilizing to society. What they are trying to do is get rid of the American citizen. They don’t like people that want health care, small government, low taxes, their own business’s and other entitlements. They want obedient workers from the 3rd worlds who have no sense of patriotism for America. That is why they have open boarder and importing all these illegals.

I’ll say this, they are hiding behind emotional arguments like misogynist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic to scare people into not speaking out against this stuff. Do not be afraid of these insults.

Examples of anti children/anti nuclear family propaganda 👇

Posted by Adept_Blackberry2851


  1. Dude it’s just the way of things. The natives took it from the red hairs, the Spanish and English took it from them and now it’s being taken again. Just go with it, we gonna die anyway.

  2. Makes sense. 1965 was when LBJ got into his swing of relentless spending and destroyed the single income family. Women had to go to work. The inflation lasted all the way through the 70s. People with low income jobs could no longer afford to have children.

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