“Harris also wrote that she supported taxpayer funding of gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants and federal prisoners.

Harris was asked if, as president, she would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care – including those in prison and immigration detention – will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

Harris replied, “Yes.”

“It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition,” Harris wrote in a reply expanding on her answer. “That’s why, as Attorney General, I pushed the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide gender transition surgery to state inmates,” she wrote.””


Trump may not be exactly right about the women in the video eating the cat being an illegal migrant but if it takes statements like this for people to look into the very real migrant crisis and migrant crime then so be it. There is much worse stuff happening then dogs being killed as sad as that is to say and every murder, rape, and overdose coming from drugs or a person that came over the border during Kamala’s reign is on her hands. And her and the democrats have the nerve to talk about how Trump is breaking up families, a policy that Obama did as well. You want to talk about breaking up families, tell that to the innocent people being killed by gang members coming from El Salvador and Venezuela and how Trumps comments are extreme and hurt your feelings. Kamala has turned towns in just about every state of the country into border sanctuary towns. Springfield, the town Trump was talking about has seen a massive increase of Haitian immigrants which has seriously strained services.

“Over the last four years, the city’s migrant Haitian population has grown by 15,000 to 20,000 people — increasing Springfield’s population by as much as one-third, according to city officials.

Tensions have been heightened since August 2023 after a 36-year-old Haitian immigrant, Hermanio Joseph, lost control of a minivan he was driving without a valid US license on a highway near Springfield and strayed into the path of an oncoming school bus.

The bus driver swerved to avoid Joseph, and went careening off the road, throwing 11-year-old Aiden Clark from a window and fatally crushing him as the vehicle rolled.

Twenty other kids were hospitalized.”



Posted by SCIFICAM

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