Kamala Harris is clearly wearing Nova H1 earrings during the Trump debate. These aren’t Tiffany’s earrings, as they are much smaller than Kamala’s usual choice. P.S.: To the bot sending me threatening messages in DMs, please stop; it only makes my posts more credible.

Posted by pacmanpill


  1. That explains how she could recite so many obvious monologues. She only needed her puppeteer.

    This comment is the proof that this sub is infested with bots. It will be downvoted in light speed.

  2. ConnectionBubbly3306 on

    Her earring doesn’t look anything like the nova h1. The nova h1 has a solid clasp her earring has a double loop clasp.

  3. Haven’t politicians always worn ear pieces during debates? I’m wondering why everyone is making such a big deal out of this.

  4. FiveHeadedSnake on

    Reaching for straws when nothing is there to cover up the word diarrhea that Trump spewed all over America tonight. A sick man.

  5. Creative_Ad_3014 on

    Don’t call them nova h1. It’s definitely a custom piece. Political bots will latch on to the nova claim and ‘deboonk’ you. I would just stick to claiming that it was a listening device.

  6. I bet they let her go back to cackling soon, a few months after Jan. 2025. Amazing how low the bar of ACTING is when it’s politics. Her “regal maturity” as MADAME would not get into the award season. DC is Hollywood for “ugly” ppl indeed.

  7. It doesn’t even look the same. I don’t think she’d need any assistance in debating Trump anyway..

  8. Lol they don’t look anything alike. Why would she wear those pieces of shit anyway? You don’t think they have something invisible that would work better?

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