Teen Girls’ Brains Aged Rapidly During Pandemic, Study Finds

Posted by JumentousPetrichor

1 Comment

  1. Okbuddyliberals on

    >Thinning is “not necessarily an indication of a problem,” and can be “a sign of maturational change,” said Ronald E. Dahl, who directs the Institute of Human Development at the University of California, Berkeley and was not involved in the study. “Accelerated thinning is being interpreted as problematic, and it could be, but that is a leap. ”

    Huh. Well I have no idea what to think about this

    There’s a broader issue of girls struggling and that struggle getting way less attention than the struggling boys issue in some circles but on the other hand it kinda sounds like the particular brain thing the article is talking about is *maybe* a sign of problems but also maybe not? Unless I misunderstood it

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