Photo of the site of the 9/11 Pentagon attack taken minutes after the building was hit shows no evidence of an airliner having crashed, as was officially claimed.

Posted by TaurusII


  1. Submission statement: This photo was taken by Daryl Donley, a commuter who was stuck in traffic nearby at the time of the Pentagon attack on September 11, 2001. He immediately realized he had all his camera equipment in his car and decided he needed to document what had happened. He recalled that he was photographing the crash scene “within a couple of minutes” of the attack. The photos he took are available on his website, here:!/page/382130/september-11th-gallery

  2. Historical-Classic43 on

    a plan literally didn’t hit the pentagon, lmao ? crazy what the media did that day…bonkers…

  3. Brilliant_Theme4995 on

    But planes disappear into buildings everyday. Especially and only on that very day. Wake upppppppp. /s

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