House GOP leadership scrapped plans for a Wednesday vote on the party’s stopgap funding plan, as its chances of passage sank in recent days amid opposition from defense hawks, hardline conservatives and moderates.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) had vowed all week to press forward with a vote on his funding plan — which pairs a six-month continuing resolution (CR) with a bill backed by former President Trump that would require proof of citizenship to vote — even as it became clear he did not have the votes to pass it.

But just hours before a planned vote on the measure, leaders pulled it from the floor.

The decision to pull the vote on the CR and Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act bill marks a 180 for Johnson, who just 24 hours earlier promised to bring the legislation to the floor despite the mounting opposition.

The move by Johnson catapults House GOP leadership back to square one, now needing to craft a conservative stopgap that could pass the House and, in turn, increase the party’s leverage in negotiations with Senate Democrats.

Posted by John3262005

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