Multiple factors indicate that the Cuban regime could collapse in the coming weeks:

  1. The Cuban state is rapidly draining its resources. 65 years of infrastructure deterioration, the loss of support from Venezuela, the socio-economic effects of the pandemic and the loss of tourism are inflicting the final blow. As the state runs out of resources, the black market grows as its control over the economy diminishes.

  2. Public transport has begun to disappear from the streets of Havana, and is being replaced by private transport. Public transport has always been one of the strongest sectors of the Cuban state, and it is now rapidly disappearing.

  3. Images revealed unsanitary conditions at a 5-star hotel in Varadero. This hotel racked up five stars on Google over the years, but now the state doesn't have the resources to maintain even its prized hotel industry.

  4. The country's infrastructure is not being maintained due to the rapid loss of state resources. Infrastructure that is not regularly maintained begins to deteriorate exponentially, especially since it's already deteriorated due to decades of neglect. If electricity and water services collapse, this will rapidly accelerate the collapse of the state.

  5. Water supplies are disappearing in parts of Havana (protests have been reported), and the town of Caibarién has been without water for 31 days. This indicates that the country's water infrastructure is collapsing due to lack of maintenance.

  6. Garbage is piling up on the country's streets more than ever. This indicates that the state no longer has the resources for garbage collection.

  7. The Oropouche virus is spreading rapidly across the country. A virus that was previously under control. This indicates that health services and sanitation services are collapsing.

  8. Power plants are shutting down frequently, as the state lacks the resources to maintain and repair them. Blackouts are becoming more frequent.

Posted by Intricate1779


  1. Okbuddyliberals on

    Let’s fucking gooooooo

    Hopefully the day of Cuban liberation and the fall of the communist party is near

  2. MistakePerfect8485 on

    If it does collapse and there’s a refugee crisis, I wonder how all the Florida Republicans will react. I sure hope someone there is able to replace it with something better. The current regime is awful, but so are failed states.

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