The US finally takes aim at truck bloat

Posted by Anchor_Aways


  1. Reject modernity return to low slung sports cars as status symbols or reject even more modernity and return to low slung passenger cars like the 60s

  2. Bring back the 2-door Ranger and Toyota pickups! Those were awesome little trucks to tool around in.

  3. Gimme a previous gen-sized Ranger/S10 sized truck w/ 4WD/AWD pls, with proper ground clearance, there is both back when they were being made, but I swear to god it’s pointless with 2WD and those are the only ones you ever see for sale. And heck ideally decent towing weight.

  4. GetTaylorSchwifty on

    Maybe they shouldn’t have made [ridiculous requirements for light trucks]( I mean, 40 mpg on a truck, even a small one!?? This is a case where regulations were too onerous and automakers were basically forced into only making large ones. Frankly I wouldn’t even be surprised if they lobbied for this so they had a convenient excuse to push the higher-margin trucks.

  5. CrystalEffinMilkweed on

    I feel a little bad that I’m getting a CUV (Chevy Trax) but I want something that can go to a dealer for warranty service in town (so either Ford or GM) and the only gas sedan either company sells, the Chevy Malibu, is more expensive than the Trax. Like ???

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