Springfield, Ohio Migrant issue not FAKE NEWS.

Posted by Suntzu6656


  1. As I understand that Vance is the guy who doesn’t like cat ladies with their cats. Maybe he’s the one out there eating the cats.

  2. It’s fascinating that this is what Republican campaigning looks like right now. Just completely unhinged. 

  3. Curious_Lie_5239 on

    Lol “i brought my gun to confront someone because they honked” Yeah man its immigrants that are the problem.  Not people that grab a gun the second they see darker skin. 

    Its also odd to complain about public assistance considering “handouts” are not in line with the ideology of people freaking out over immigrants 

  4. ThatDamnRocketRacoon on

    “I don’t know for sure they eat pets, but I’ve heard stories.” You think this is the smoking gun to back up Trump’s dumb bullshit? You guys just don’t do yourself any favors. You could have a legitimate story here with legitimate questions and legitimate problems. Why is there 20,000 Haitians in a small Ohio town of 60,000. That’s not on accident and it’s obviously going to effect the lives of the other residents. But, no, let’s instead make up urban legends of pet eating monsters so that the entire story get laughed at, then ignored. Brilliant work.

  5. Anybody that has spent time at truck stops knows it’s true. Groups of people like to park and pan handle, it’s not uncommon for pets to go missing from trucks. I personally saw a driver fight off two guys. He was sweeping out his trailer with his dog tied out, dog started barking when they grabbed the leash, Driver jumped out and started swinging the broom at them.

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