What a load of 💩

Posted by GrayGypsyGhost


  1. Outrageous-Sink-688 on

    How do they account for the Tuskegee experiment, the revelation that at least some of the 9/11 hijackers were see eye aye assets, Covid coming from a lab, just to name a few?

    Meanwhile “smart” people believe eating chips and Krispy Kreme is good for your health, basic arithmetic is a racist construct, the Steele dossier is real, and Hunter’s laptop is fake.

  2. Alex Jones is definitely a poorly educated broke mofo. I had no idea so many well known personalities were destitute.

  3. No_Preparation_5781 on

    Asking critical questions and being skeptical of the narrative should not make you a conspiracy theorist, and there is no stupidity in that. In fact, I’d call you stupid if you take everything you’re told for granted.

  4. My opinion is that this idea is being propagated to cause people to be more reluctant to investigate any idea labeled as a “conspiracy theory”.

  5. AnyWhichWayButLose on

    The ol’ tried and true normie rebuttal: an ad hominem attack.

    They never argue the claim. They just put their fingers in their ears and listen to Taylor Swift and drink tap water from a BPA bottle.

    ^ An example of an ad hominem.

  6. I’m no genius or millionaire, but I did graduate from college and I’ve got a good job. Conspiracy theories are just fun entertainment for some. It’s when you start to take them seriously and they negatively effect your life that they become a problem.

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