The famous 1977 Philip K. Dick speech; The one which directly inspired the Matrix movie. Translator edited out, lost scenes added: He exposed we are trapped in a SIMULATION

Posted by astralrocker2001


  1. astralrocker2001 on

    Submission Statement: In Metz, France the legendary author Philip K. Dick gave a fantastic, mind expanding presentation.

    He exposed what is now known as Mandela Effects and the Matrix.

  2. astralrocker2001 on

    Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics Director Craig Hogan recently hypothesized that our macroscopic world is like a “four-dimensional video display” created from PIXEL LIKE BITS of subatomic information 10 trillion trillion times smaller than atoms. To our macroscopic eyes, everything around us appears three-dimensional. But just as moving your face toward the TV screen will cause pixels to come into focus, if we stare deeply enough into matter on a subatomic level, the bitmap of our HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE might reveal itself.

  3. astralrocker2001 on

    In February and March 1974, Philip K. Dick experienced a series of visions of an information-rich “pink light” beam that transmitted directly into his consciousness. A year after the events Dick summarized the experiences that would pervade his writing for the final eight years of his life:

    “March 16, 1974: It appeared — in vivid fire, with shining colors and balanced patterns — and released me from every thrall, inner and outer.”

    “March 18, 1974: It, from inside me, looked out and saw the world did not compute, that I — and it — had been lied to. It denied the reality, and power, and authenticity of the world, saying, This cannot exist; it cannot exist.”

    “March 20, 1974: It seized me entirely, lifting me from the limitations of the space-time matrix; it mastered me as, at the same time, I knew that the world around me was cardboard, a fake. Through its power of perception I saw what really existed, and through its power of no-thought decision, I acted to free myself. It took on in battle, as a champion of all human spirits in thrall, every evil, every Iron Imprisoning thing.”

    R Crumb drew a comic over this

    The familiarity with this idea to the Matrix is **no coincidence**. The Watchowski brothers sisters were huge fans of PKD

  4. astralrocker2001 on

    The **Empire Never Ended**.

    The great secret known to Apollonius of Tyana, Paul of Tarsus, Simon Magus, Asklepios, Paracelsus, Boehme and Bruno is that: we are moving backward in time. The universe in fact is contracting into a unitary entity which is completing itself. Decay and disorder are seen by us in reverse, as increasing.

    -VALIS by Phillip K Dick

  5. astralrocker2001 on

    In 2007 when John D. Barrow, professor of mathematical sciences at Cambridge University, suggested that an imperfect simulation of reality would contain detectable glitches. Just like your computer, the universe’s operating system would need updates to keep working.

    As the simulation degrades, Barrow suggested, we might see aspects of nature that are supposed to be static — such as the speed of light or the fine-structure constant that describes the strength of the electromagnetic force — inexplicably drift from their “constant” values.

  6. astralrocker2001 on

    When Elon Musk isn’t outlining plans to use his massive rocket to leave a decaying Planet Earth and colonize Mars, he sometimes talks about his belief that EARTH ISN’T EVEN REAL and we probably live in a COMPUTER SIMULATION.

    “There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality,” he said at a conference in June 2016.

    Musk is just one of the people in Silicon Valley to take a keen interest in the “SIMULATION HYPOTHESIS”, which argues that what we experience as reality is actually a giant COMPUTER SIMULATION created by a more sophisticated intelligence. If it sounds a lot like THE MATRIX, that’s because IT IS.

    According to the October 2016 New Yorker profile of Y Combinator venture capitalist Sam Altman, there are two tech billionaires secretly engaging scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation. But what does this mean? And what evidence is there that we are, in fact, LIVING IN THE MATRIX?

    One popular argument for the simulation hypothesis, outside of acid trips, came from Oxford University’s Nick Bostrom in 2003 (although the idea dates back as far as the 17th-century philosopher René Descartes). In a paper titled “Are You Living In a Simulation?”, Bostrom suggested that members of an advanced “posthuman” civilization with vast computing power might choose to run simulations of their ancestors in the universe.

  7. astralrocker2001 on

    Study reveals substantial evidence of HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE:

    A UK, Canadian and Italian study has provided what researchers believe is the first observational evidence that our universe could be a vast and complex HOLOGRAM.

    Theoretical physicists and astrophysicists, investigating irregularities in the cosmic microwave background (the ‘afterglow’ of the Big Bang), have found there is substantial evidence supporting a HOLOGRAPHIC explanation of the universe—in fact, as much as there is for the traditional explanation of these irregularities using the theory of cosmic inflation.

    The researchers, from the University of Southampton (UK), University of Waterloo (Canada), Perimeter Institute (Canada), INFN, Lecce (Italy) and the University of Salento (Italy), have published findings in the journal Physical Review Letters.

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