I fucking hate it.

I think it's very possible that we aren't running our own country anymore and the people that we think we elect and we think are in charge, it's just a dog and pony show to distract us and they ain't in charge of shit.

I think it's very possible this country was taken over and the Kennedy assassination was a coup. If you look at the president before Kennedy, it was Eisenhower. Look up his farewell speech to the American people. That man won the war for us and served the American people for 3 terms, they passed an amendment that only allowed someone two terms because we put him in as our leader for so long, and in the last speech he gave as our President he talks about the "military industrial complex" and a "government within the government". He warns the American people to be vigilant for that shit. He said it was already happening then.

And then came Kennedy, the next President after Eisenhower. When he found out about the CIA doing the Bay of Pigs behind his back, he was going to end the CIA, he was going to take them apart piece by piece and they shot him dead in the street, in front of everyone. That's a fucking message to every president that came after, this is what will happen to you. That's fucking coup.

How in the fuck does a man give up his American citizenship and defect to the Goddamn Soviet Union, go over there and live life as a fucking communist for a couple years, take a Russian wife, and then just be let right back into America. Who would ok that? PThe motherfucker died saying he wasn't a patsy, a straw man, a fall guy.

Eisenhower Farewell Address:

Posted by chillassdudeonmoco


  1. chillassdudeonmoco on

    Umm, not sure if I’m doing this right but here goes, I put the link to the YouTube video about Eisenhower’s farewell address which is if you read my comment has a lot to do with it. It’s the man’s farewell address to the country as president of the United States for his third term and he’s talking about some crazy shit there. I think people need to know about it. They need to remember. I didn’t review the video yet but as far as I know it’s just a recording of the speech, I don’t think there’s any dialogue put in extra.

  2. That’s a good observation that I’ve not heard. Makes a lot of sense. And now ever since then the US has been run by that agency and and all their weirdo shit. I like this. I’m gonna share this idea with others.

  3. Objective-Title-681 on

    I agree with everything you mentioned. It’s a very scary reality we’re currently in. Look how drastic we’ve changed as a society since the Kennedy years, and not for the better.

  4. Worth noting that Eisenhower’s golfing buddy (likely handler) was Nazi financier and Skull & Bones member Prescott Bush.

    [Prescott checking Ike’s homework lol](https://americandigitalnews.com/wp-content/uploads/PresscotBushIke-300×230.jpg)

    “The conclusion is that the Harrimans and Prescott Bush were intimately associated with financing both Nazis and Soviets… both extremes of the political spectrum.” ^1

    [Nixon looking at his boss Prescott Bush like he’s his dad](https://i.insider.com/4fb0f206eab8eaa30f000007)

    “By deciding that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Banking Corporation were legally front men for the Nazis, the government avoided the more important historical issue: In what way were Hitler’s Nazis themselves hired, armed, and instructed by the New York and London clique of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager?

    “After the war, Prescott went on to become a US Senator from Connecticut and favorite golfing partner of President Eisenhower. Prescott claims some responsibility for getting Richard Nixon into politics and takes personal credit for bringing Dick on board as Ike’s running mate in 1952.”


    (1) Two Faces of George Bush,
    Antony Sutton, 1988

    (2) Fleshing Out Skull & Bones; Investigations Into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society,
    Kris Millegan, 2003

  5. SadSoggySandwich on

    Makes you wonder who the cia is. It’s also crazy to think about how America has been infiltrated by more than just one foreign Nation. Its been a slow, patient attack from our enemy that took years of a slow infection of degeneracy and demoralization. On top of that think about all the blackmail Mossad has on us from Epstein. All of our politicians, actors and singers are owned.

  6. francisco_DANKonia on

    We need a blockchain solution to find the will of the people. The concept of a DAO seems like a possible path

  7. FACT CHECK: Eisenhower served two terms as limited by the 22nd amendment. FDR was the POTUS elected 4 times, a situation TPTB couldn’t let happen again.

  8. Spiritual_Wonder_609 on

    100% I look at the situation in ohio and it seems suspicious. Dropping 20k haitians into this tiny midwest town. Even a super libtard who LOVED immigration would think it through more, and distribute them in a way that would not cause obvious unrest and inevitable media attention. It seems like it was purposely done to cause controversy.

    It’s like what’s happened to downtown SF where it’s legal to shoplift, even a super liberal easy on crime person would take one look at the theft epidemic and say this isn’t the way to go about it. You see the youtube videos where they interview people who live in those neighborhoods, obvious ULTRA LIBS, and they think it’s stupid. It seems like it’s all done to create a division/debate.

  9. The country is called a country but ultimately it’s a corporation, only with this corporation your investment (tax) yields no returns and your votes don’t count. The citizens were never in charge after the corporation (country) was founded.

  10. Sea_Description_4944 on

    Biden was an obvious coup as well. Crazy how they still want to cry about Jan 6 but refuse to revisit all the voter fraud stuff that was heavily suppressed by the media and social platforms. Selective outrage has really done a number on people.

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