Candidate aside, someone educate me on how this is legal..

Posted by that_irks_me


  1. They are not going to give you $300 if you vote for who they want you to vote for. They will not give you any money for voting. They are looking for people to go door to door and register people to vote, possible give elderly people or carless people a ride to their polling place. This is a some what paid volunteer thing.

    All candidates have street teams, all of them have done this for a very long time.

  2. You’ve found the grand conspiracy of how those people with clipboards registering you to vote get paid…

  3. The money isn’t for voting for a certain person. It’s paid for you to help make it possible for people to vote at all. Think driving sick old people to polling stations or being one of those people with voting registration forms and clipboards.

    Voter apathy benefits the Republicans, especially among the younger generations. So they want everyone to use their voting rights.

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