B.C. will scrap ‘consumer carbon tax’ if Ottawa drops federal backstop: Eby

Posted by IHateTrains123


  1. LinkToSomething68 on

    This is real cowardice. I like Eby and the BCNDP but this is some real chickenshit stuff, even if I think Singh and the fed NDP are probably the only reason why this had to happen.

  2. OkEntertainment1313 on

    BC’s carbon tax stopped being revenue neutral in 2012 and this has only grown in scale since the federal backstop. The means that BC had used in the past to achieve revenue neutrality were banned by the federal government in line with the backstop. The rebates for BC are a lot worse than in the federal program. 

  3. I guess he was forced into it by Singh’s announcement this morning but holy shit this blows. Climate leadership in this country has absolutely crumbled.

  4. I abandoned the BC NDP for like a decade over their initial opposition to the carbon tax. I’d probably do so again if there was an alternative

  5. LordLadyCascadia on

    From a political standpoint it makes sense. The carbon tax is a zombie, only a matter a time before Poilievre puts it out of its misery anyway. If BC is the only province with a tax it’s free ammo to the opposition and with an election barely a month away, it is just bad politics to be on the losing side of an unpopular policy. 

    From a policy standpoint it’s terrible. The carbon tax is one of the least intrusive methods of reducing emissions. It’s basically conceding climate change as an issue no one is interested in solving substantially.

  6. Lifelong_Forgeter on

    You can’t do anything to reduce emissions if you lose an election, and if the BC Conservatives win the carbon tax will be gone on day one anyway.

    The carbon tax in Canada is an absolute loser politically, it is insanely unpopular.

    If sacrificing it gets the BC NDP 4 more years to keep crushing NIMBYs and make good housing policy, so be it.

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