Why Springfield Ohio? Amazon

Posted by federalnarc


  1. Candy_Store_Pauper on

    Oh man, this one’s easy, and regardless of the whole “New Math” thingy, 1 + 1 still equals 2. Change my mind.

  2. Not sure what you’re saying. This constructed national story is because of Amazon or the workers and families who moved to Springfield to work in existing factories is because of Amazon?

  3. There it is, good job on finding this. The work force just disappeared after Covid. The place I’m at can’t find anyone and it’s a huge problem. This explains the real reason for immigration is billionaires need bodies to fill the factories. Kinda like how ww2 needed women to fill the jobs. They also probably will only pay them barely a living wage. Welcome to America where you’re pretty much human cattle for billionaires.

  4. Safe-Indication-1137 on

    Now this shit really makes me angry. I’m far from conservative, but we can’t sell out our country to immigrants and lose all our jobs at the same time.

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