Report: Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault Surged More than 40% Under Biden-Harris Admin

Posted by blisiondacket


  1. Used to go to NYC quite often. Really knew my way around. Would have a great time. Stopped going once the leftist lunacy started to heat up when that clown di blasio became mayor. Now I would never go there. And I’m sure it’s the same for most every Blue city. The sad thing is that even if the lunacy ended today it would take years to bring NYC back to sanity

  2. And those are just the numbers they are giving us, likely not even as high as the real numbers…Kamala’s crime spree is destroying America

  3. CrIME iS WAy DowN!!!

    Yes that’s what happens when it’s not reported.  On average how many times has the typical leftist been dropped on their head?

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