BREAKING: Multiple cats in Houston, TX cut up and mutiIated in recent weeks

Posted by Own_Teacher3433


  1. Decent-Weekend-1489 on

    Well we know it can’t be the immigrants, so we can rule them out. My guess is it’s climate change

  2. It’s almost as if there were “waves” of public outrage deliberately incited around USA.

    One moment, it was “hordes of illegal immigrants”.

    Next moment, it was “hordes of military age illegal immigrants”.

    Next was, “hordes of illegal immigrants from Chyna!”

    Then it was, “Gangs from Venezuela taking over buildings”

    ….and now I suspect that they have finally fine-tuned the MSM outrage formula to get the general public’s attention firmly on the Domestic Boogeyman – “Immigrants”…
    …by linking it all to **pets**!!!!! What are the odds that this story will also be linked to immigrants?

  3. They’re eating cats and dogs in Springfield Ohio!!

    No, they’re eating ducks out of city park ponds.

    No, really it’s cats! They’re been found in trash bags in the Bronx!!

    Actually, it was a goose.

    No it’s cats! I saw them on a menu in Vietnam.

    Wait, it’s not Vietnam or Springfield, Ohio. And it’s not ducks or geese. It’s cats. In Houston Texas. They’re being left to rot in random places.

    I can’t wait to see how the story changes this afternoon.

    EDIT: It’s changed already! The new story is, “The whole Hatians-Eating-Pets thing is a distraction. The point is that the immigrants are violent!! They are going to swallow us alive!!!”

  4. This story that goes back and forth (it’s true-it’s not true) reminds me of the same crap that they do with “shootings” or other super fake events. They pit people against each other and fight over whether or not the story is even *real* or not.

    What this also does is move the focus WAY off what it should be.

    Why are they even THERE!!??

    Not, if they are eating animals or not. Lol. So, if they *aren’t* doing that it’s AOK with the influx of Haitians at a wholesale level, many violent and don’t adapt to the culture they escaped to.

    It’s a dichotomy shifter. Instead of making the argument about getting them out of there, it’s about the animal eating “fake stories”.

    “Oh, those stories are just fake!!” while implying (tacitly) that everything else is great with the invasion of violent migrants.

    Pretty soon, we’ll be flooded everywhere, and people will be arguing about inconsequential things like this while they get swallowed alive by a third world.

  5. Well, that means it’s not immigrants *eating* anything.

    You wouldn’t even have soup bones left over. Those recipes from the Old Countries don’t spare parts.

    Yup- statistically speaking, this is most likely a white male, 15-30, socially and romantically frustrated, and demonstrating sociopathic tendencies.

    Statistically speaking.

  6. FFS_IsThisNameTaken2 on

    Saw this on the Houston news yesterday.

    My first thought was spooks trying to stir up the masses.

    Cut in half. Animals don’t cut each other in half. Animals don’t leave their kills out in the open. But spooks do that so people will see it. Can’t scare people if they don’t see it.

    My next thought was a burgeoning serial killer, which just leads me back to my original thought.

  7. How about the fact Kamala has committed TREASON, intentionally assaulting American values, our ecosystem, and our citizens. Ohio citizens don’t even get to vote on the destruction of their communities, but kamala believes they deserve these attacks on their way of life, cost of living, local ecosystem, etc., then laughs about it. I’m completely disgusted by her disrespect for AMERICANS, she don’t give a fuck about race, only the protection of those who want to destroy America.

  8. Y’all are being manipulated so fucking severely with this and you’re so goddamn ignorant of it. It’d be funny except you vote.

    This is readily apparent by that fact you link the video and not the article from which it comes ([article link]( which contains this:

    *“Earlier this week, a Houston SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigator responded to the East End after a cruelty report was filed with the animal rescue organization that two deceased cats were dismembered. After an initial investigation, it is believed this was caused by an animal attack, possibly coyotes, as the area where the incident occurred has a very high population of feral cats.*

    *Houston SPCA was made aware of a third similar incident. Based on the current facts gathered, it is believed that this too was caused by an animal attack. The case will remain open pending further investigation, if warranted.*”

    And look at you pathetic pant-wetters getting all upset about what censored photos “show.”

  9. PlumEmergency8876 on

    This is so weird. Four days ago, there was a post on Nextdoor, from the area in Houston where I lived a few years ago. Text below is what it said. It included a picture of a trash pile of small kennels. I have a screen shot of the post but don’t know how to add it. Anywho, WTF

    “Over 130 cats found dead and most were on cats sites as free so becareful and check who you give your cats and kitten to. Most were still in theirs kennels that were handed over to the lady. Will get her name so know will ever give her another animal.”

  10. Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world. It’s not hard to understand what’s going on in the west

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