
I posted a few days about the poll worker who called my AI and let my AI phone agent take the entire poll and even called me back after the call dropped.

I made the video, sharing the call publicly, and I immediately got the brush off. Politicians, news agencies, and social media did not understand the significance of the call.

I made another video, where I explain the significance of the poll worker call. I explain that if you target the right cities, you can get AI to call and swing House seats and possibly may flip the house. And the cost is not as much as you think.

Then I show an example of what could happen if someone was to put this in to place. This is off the shelf, consumer software. I did it today, while making a video… And I am not a video editor.

This is a major threat right now and I find it amazing that nobody is taking it seriously.

I appreciate your comments.

Posted by slidesvibes


  1. Submission Statement:
    Imagine anybody having the power to create a manipulative AI that can call 100,000+ phones at the same time within seconds. This AI is so complex, it can hold conversations and even try to convince you to vote for a candidate of their choice? I have shown many examples of humans lowering their barriers with AI and now, I have shows the consequences of AI and the election with just consumer grade software. I tried to warn the proper authorities about this possibility, but I was brushed away.

  2. People like you who are inventors and truthers are not appreciated as much as they should be I wish I knew how to code and build a ai chatbot but I know only a little about llama and things like that… I won’t be surprised if this gets downvoted to oblivion but we need more people like you don’t give up

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