Early last year, I came to the conclusion that an Extinction Level Event (ELE) by ~2030 is the motive for COVID, the Great Reset and the forthcoming WW3. Admittedly, there's no definitive proof but unfortunately, there are also too many dots that connect:

  1. Ancient ruins like the Great Pyramid, which we still can't replicate, prove that a prior advanced civilization existed before us. Many previous advanced civilizations have likely been wiped out by a cyclic cataclysm. The last major cataclysm apparently happened ~12,900 years ago (10,900 BCE) during the Younger Dryas period and likely coincided with the end of Atlantis and a global Great Flood.
  2. Earth's magnetic field has been declining for centuries. The weakening magnetic field diminishes the Earth's protection from cosmic EMF, affecting the "global electric circuit", which includes all life on this planet. Solar flares, pink auroras, earthquakes and volcanic activity in 2024 are a harbinger of severe "earth changes" in the near future. The CO2 "climate change" PSYOP is political cover for these "earth changes". It's also possible that chemtrails in conjunction with HAARP are an attempt to counter the effects of the waning magnetic field. These "earth changes" will likely culminate in a crustal displacement pole-shift when the Earth's magnetic field reverses (flips)- "slowly at first, then all at once".
  3. There's strong evidence for the existence of numerous Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)- only an ELE justifies their construction.
  4. A 2016 reddit "underground town" post predicted a major "life-altering event" in early 2020 and also predicted an ELE soon afterwards. The "Anglo-Saxon mission" interview from 2010 made a similar prediction.


  1. The 2022 "Phoenix Hypothesis" postulates that recent geopolitical events since 2020 are staged and are being used by the PTB to covertly prepare for an ELE (e.g. supply chain shortages during the COVID lockdowns might have actually been caused by diverting supplies to DUMBs.) The PTB are apparently "thinning the herd" before the event and WW3 might be about establishing martial law before severe "earth changes" that precede the ELE cause societal chaos. The PTB have also obviously ramped up propaganda and PSYOPs and political discord as a distraction.


An ELE could also explain why the PTB seem to be waiting for an external event (trigger). If the PTB really want WW3 then why the delay? If the PTB want to crash the economy then what are they waiting for?

  1. Suspicious0bservers, Jason Breshears and Douglas Vogt on YT all predict an ELE in ~2046. But I suspect it'll be sooner than later.

  2. Numerous looming disasters (the global debt/derivatives bubble, severe pollution/deforestation/soil erosion, Peak Oil and the depletion of natural resources) means that SHTF is inevitable now. But the PTB don't appear to care. An imminent ELE would explain why, of course.

  3. The zeitgeist has an undeniable eschatological vibe and there's lots of predictive programming such as the "2012" (2009) and "Greenland" (2020) films.

The most likely mechanism for a cyclic cataclysm is a crustal displacement pole-shift that is mediated by the precession of the Equinoxes, which completes a full cycle in ~26,000 years. The precession is apparently the basis for much of mythology, according to the seminal 1969 "Hamlet's Mill" book. The fact that ancient culture were aware of the precession cycle also proves that a prior advanced civilization existed.

The precession is the apparent shifting of the 12 constellations of the zodiac- e.g., if the evening sky is observed at the same time every year, say 3/21 (spring equinox), then the observed constellation will gradually shift over to the next one over ~2,000 years, so the entire precession takes 12 x ~2000 years= ~26,000 years. (The exact timing is disputed and may even vary from cycle-to-cycle with estimates ranging from 24,000-25,800 years.)

~2,000 years ago, we entered the Age of Pisces and are now entering (or have already entered) the Age of Aquarius. The problem is the Age of Aquarius (also known as the Age of the Phoenix) marks the completion of the full-cycle of the precession and a cataclysm is associated with both the half-cycle (e.g the Younger Dryas cataclysm about ~12,000 years ago) and the full-cycle.

SK Bain's "BlackJack" (2019) book says the PTB regard 12/21/2021 as the nominal completion of the precession's full-cycle. Bain predicted a major occult ritual to commemorate this milestone and also believes that 911 was an occult ritual related to the precession's countdown. Is it a coincidence that COVID occurred in 2020/2021 and was "over" by early 2022?

Mainstream science attributes the precession to a "wobble" in the Earth's orbit (like a spinning top). Alt-science says the precession results from our solar system’s orbit around the galactic center due to plasma flow per the Electric Universe model, not gravity. (In this model the solar system- which possibly includes a binary partner (Sirius)- also rotates on its axis, which causes the precession, and takes ~26,000 years to complete. The full orbit around the galactic center (Alcyone) takes tens of millions of years to complete.)

The "Code of Hathor" (2020) book says the sun’s plasma flow to the earth reverses polarity with every half-cycle of the precession orbit, and the resultant magnetic reversal causes a pole-shift as the earth realigns itself with the new field orientation. An alternative theory says certain regions of space have intense energy levels (frequencies) which are absorbed by the sun, triggering a solar micro-nova event.

Although we should be skeptical of mysticism, there might also be a metaphysical aspect to this event: In 2012, there was tremendous hype and trepidation about the End of the Mayan calendar and numerous false predictions, including the 2008 Hidden-Hand (HH) Illuminati interview, that a spiritual ascension/Rapture-like event would coincide with the "end of the world" on 12/21/2012.

The HH interview claimed our existence is an illusion- a "game", which resets every 26,000 years ("Great Harvest") per the precession of the Equinoxes.

There are recent claims the "2012" ascension was merely delayed and will happen in the near future. In this scenario, our current situation is like the 1990 final episode of Newhart where events become increasingly surreal as part of a Great Reveal/Great Awakening i.e. the End Game.



Posted by 2023_CK_


  1. SS: This post summarizes several prior posts to make the case that an imminent Extinction Level Event (ELE) explains what is really going on. There are 4 ELE scenarios:

    1. Increasingly severe earth changes over several years that culminates in an apocalyptic pole-shift.

    2. A cataclysm that happens out of the blue (per a 2016 reddit post) or possibly because burgeoning “earth changes” are being masked by chemtrails/HAARP.

    3. A solar flare destroys the power grid, ending civilization- followed years later by a pole-shift per Suspicious0bservers on YT.

    4. A metaphysical event (“2012”-like spiritual ascension) coincides with the ELE.

  2. shouldIworkremote on

    What a coincidence. I just read Vogts Gods Day of Judgement. I believe he thinks the solar flare will occur around the same time (like same day) the shift occurs. One interesting thing he says is that days will appear to be four hours longer as we become days closer to the event.

    He also interestingly cites that major jumps in evolution and new species can be traced back to these historic cataclysms. He believes that the Sun emits radiation that moves evolution in a specific direction, and when these flares occur these mutations occur much faster than usual, leading to new species and adaptations.

    Interestingly this coincides with Michael Newtons work (PhD) who studied thousands of past life cases. These patients said that in the spirit realm they can actually design new life forms, and the way they transmit these instructions for new life is through stars or the Sun, which over time mutates those life forms into what they envision. Interestingly, Vogt himself independently concluded that stars are actually modulation points where higher dimensional information enters our realm.

    Vogt also believes the real cause of global warming is solar cycles. As these correlate more with global temperature shifts than CO2. He doesn’t deny that CO2 has a heating effect but he says it’s not the primary cause.

    Anyway I agree there’s some sort of cataclysm that will occur in our lifetime. Whether humans will be pushed into a new species, we will have to see.

    Anyway thanks for sharing

  3. Ben from suspicous observers has moved up his target for the ele. The pole shift is accelerating.

    Imo the poles dont even need to shift to kick off a catastophe. Magnetic north has been moving rapidly towards the mid atlantic ridge which is the largest fault line on earth. The shift in energy could be enough to cause a major earthquake to really shake the planet.

  4. Wasn’t there news earlier this year about how some scientists think the gust stream or ATL current is shifting, kinda hinting at major issues

  5. Acceptable_Arm_679 on

    Some say that a purple God like figure will appear dawned with a glove of sorts. He eventually finds some rocks and snaps his fingers to delete half of every living thing. Then a group of people go back in time, when a “man in iron” snaps HIS fingers with the glove on and everything goes back to normal.

  6. This is the kind of top tier content I am here for.

    I’m tired of all of this dumb political bullshit.

    Any political post that talks about individual parties as if they aren’t one ruling party should just be banned.

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