2 in 5 already Obese and half by 2030! How come?

Posted by surubao


  1. SS

    Obesity continues to be a serious health problem in the U.S., contributing to heart disease, diabetes, joint disorders and even certain types of cancer. And according to the latest data, half of Americans will be obese by 2030, with most at least overweight.

    Are we being fattened before slaughter or something?!

  2. EchidnaPretty9456 on

    Apparently, is doesn’t pay to be good looking in America. If it did they’d do it. Americans do work hard at things that might pay off.

  3. Used-Sheepherder-335 on

    The bar is low for obesity. You can be 5”10 220 and consider obese. Any does anyone really care if people stuff their face with chips and cookies. I thought we are all about personal responsibility. What next war on snacks?

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