MAGA ‘Election Integrity’ Is Just Voter Intimidation | Non-citizens don’t vote—but that’s not what really concerns Republicans.

Posted by towngrizzlytown


  1. Extract:

    >What actual evidence is there that noncitizens vote in U.S. elections? The Heritage Foundation has established a [database]( to track prosecutions for illegal voting since 1979, but a recent search shows only [85 cases]( of noncitizens voting out of about 2 billion votes cast between 2002 and 2023. That hasn’t stopped Heritage from alleging the problem is rampant, however.

    >The “[Oversight Project](,” part of the foundation’s so-called voter integrity effort, recently claimed there is “staggering evidence” that 14 percent of Georgia’s electorate will be noncitizens this November. The proof? The group [hired undercover crews]( with hidden cameras to visit heavily Hispanic neighborhoods in Georgia and ask—in Spanish—those they suspected weren’t citizens if they were registered to vote.

    >It’s clear from watching the videos that most people just wanted to get rid of the annoying interviewers, who claimed to represent a group registering Hispanic voters. It reminds me of what you say when someone knocks on your door asking for contributions to a charity or trying to sell a subscription to a magazine: “I already gave at the office” or “I’m a current subscriber.” Some of those captured by hidden cameras simply said “yes” when asked if they were registered to vote. One even claimed to have already voted even though early voting in Georgia doesn’t begin until October 15. But the unsuspecting immigrants weren’t asked whether they were citizens until after they’d tried to brush off the questioner by saying they were already registered.

    >In a lengthy exposé of the dishonest scheme, the *New York Times* [reported]( that none of the seven people who’d said they were registered actually were, according to an investigation by the office of Georgia’s secretary of state following the posting of the video. Indeed, a spokesman for the office called the Heritage effort “a stunt,” according to the *Times*.

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