1. So, let’s say Russia actually considers this an act of war, what are they going to do? Are they going to escalate and attack NATO lands with missiles and air strikes? Are they going to nuke anything and risk full nuclear realization? Are they going to launch nukes with MAD?

    Russia doesn’t have many options without asking its “allies” for help, but Iran, NK, and China do not have an interest in joining in a war against the West as they have their own.

    At most Russia can continue (as it has been reported they already have done) covert options to attack/destroy weapon facilities in the West other than that Russia doesn’t have any real options. Russia has escalated to the maximum amount, their only option is to ignore the West’s weapons and risk internal problems through a round of conscriptions/mobilization. Ukraine will have a harder time getting through a heavily manned defensive positions Russia holds on its territory.

  2. Stop giving that shit to ukraine… end of problem…. force a compromise… end that stupid waste of life…. to the last ukrainian tho…. the plans aren’t complete until all the slavs are cleared out of the area….. then they can fill the country with migrants that the corps zelensky sold his country to can use as slaves.

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