Heads up, the 2nd seal shall be broken this coming week unveiling the Great War and suffering upon the Earth.

It will sound a lot like the breaking of the first seal March 2020 before Covid pandemic breakout releasing death and pestilence upon the Earth. The sound of the seal breaking is Trumpets, loud Trumpets coming from the sky.

Carry salt in your pockets at all times. Thank me later.

The Vatican is preparing for the great revelation of the Dark One, the fallen one. They revealed earlier this year through an official report that they know his identity and he has been roaming the Earth unbeknownst to most.

For those with a keen eye, We first saw him on Television last week on the world’s stage. He is as prophesied in all of the holy books.

A nun in a remote convent claimed an immaculate conception in 1984 the Vatican sent a team of priests to investigate. Concerns grew that an ancient prophecy was about to be fulfilled: that a woman will give birth to a boy– the Anti-Christ – and the ensuing battle will determine the fate of the world. A lot of whistleblowers in the papacy were silenced with false pedo allegations and excommunicated from the Church.

Everyone has thought it’s Elon Musk, he’s just the foretold King of Babylon. Check his scar that he hides. Grimes has known about it that’s why she’s cryptic in her music and symbology.

For those of you with a keen eye, he is the 'Dajjal' – the charismatic politician who is blind in his left eye👁️

Posted by TheOracle2024

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