Police arrest three women for handing hostage pamphlets in synagogue

Posted by Currymvp2

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  1. >Three women were arrested on Friday after having placed pamphlets in a synagogue in Herzliya on Thursday. The police called the women on Friday and told them they were under arrest. “They told me that I was under arrest for conspiracy to commit a crime as well as breaking and entering. “They handcuffed my legs and hands and brought me to the station.”

    >Reportedly, the synagogue in which the women placed the pamphlets is the one frequented by MK Yuli Edelstein from the Likud party. After being interrogated for about eight hours, the three women were released to their homes and were forbidden to contact each other or stand 300 meters from Edelstein’s house or synagogue for 15 days. The police requested at first house arrest but gave up their demand.

    >Police arrest three women for handing hostage pamphlets in synagogue
    Three women in Herzliya were arrested for conspiracy and breaking and entering for leaving hostage pamphlets in a synagogue and were interrogated for 8 hours: ‘I assume this is a directive from above’

    >Three women were arrested on Friday after having placed pamphlets in a synagogue in Herzliya on Thursday. The police called the women on Friday and told them they were under arrest. “They told me that I was under arrest for conspiracy to commit a crime as well as breaking and entering. “They handcuffed my legs and hands and brought me to the station.”

    >Following the unusual arrest, hundreds arrived in front of the Gillot police station on Friday night to protest. According to Idit Alexandrovich, one of the women arrested, the police changed the charges during interrogation from breaking and entering to trespassing. “During the investigation, they changed the charges from breaking and entering to trespassing,” she claimed. “The synagogue was open. We put up the pamphlets, talked to people, and left.”

    Ben Gvir’s police ignoring violent settler extremists and far right winger lunatics who storm military bases to “protest” arrests of IDF soldiers accused of sexual violence but cracking down against these ppl… utter insanity.

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