Got banned from a page I’ve never visited 20 seconds after commenting on a post on here about 9/11. My question is how can the so called “mods” know about my comment within 20 seconds then ban me from a page I’ve never visited 🤨

Posted by Kaneohe808


  1. missscarlett1977 on

    I wonder whats going on with these “mods” too. I wrote about my success with Vitamin C after getting shingles. They banned me and said I was promoting “false science”. I never said one word about science or any other proven thing. I responded and asked them to show how I broke the rules. Guess what they wrote?? “this subject is no longer up for discussion. you are banned”. Then they wrote: “Cheers!”. nice.

  2. ComfortableDemand539 on

    I got banned for trying to buy something 100% legal and not moderated just last week. When I disputed it they doubled down, but couldn’t bother to explain how it broke the rules. There’s literally subs for buying/selling.

  3. That’s called fascism. Fascists usually slowly take over, disguised as reasonable socialist order. They always start off by censoring thoughts and conversation but eventually end up enslaving the entire community.

  4. Murky-Resident-3082 on

    Yeah I’ve been banned from many subs in the last 2 weeks so what everyone needs to do is just go downvote the crap out of everyone in the sub, I know it’s time consuming but I enjoy the hell out of it, does it do anything I have no idea, this place isn’t real but this is battle they want so give it to them

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