(EXTREME WARNING) Illegal migrants caught skinning, grilling and EATING cats just minutes from Springfield

Posted by AnnePingo


  1. Southern-Relative-75 on

    And people are commenting on posts saying this isn’t happening. Essentially along the lines of “Oh there’s videos and evidence of it happening but it’s not happening IN Springfield, Ohio! That video was taken in a town 90 minutes away! And it was proven that it was a US citizen” Why the fuck does it matter if it’s down the street or on the opposite side of the US. If I found out anyone ate my cat or pet and they are an immigrant, citizen, illegal or whatever the fuck definition you like to use, I’d lose my shit. No one in this country should resort to eating pets if they’re hungry, citizen or not.

  2. Did you know that there’s a hundred billion dollar industry devoted specifically to raising animals from birth for the sole purpose of being slaughtered?

    I’m not saying this is acceptable, but can we turn on our objective reasoning caps for a second here?

  3. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

    The articles about ILLEGALS began right before the debate–and have overshadowed any meaningful issues being discussed…almost as if this is all scripted from above!!!

  4. Things not in this video: evidence that the people cooking are illegal immigrants, that they’re cooking cats, and that it’s in Springfield

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