Some pretty interesting stuff… seems like they were ex-Israeli military running a phony moving company.

“The Israelis were observed near Liberty State Park New Jersey celebrating and photographing the World Trade Center (WTC) explosion within minutes after the WTC was first hit by an aircraft .”

“09/12/2001, the same truck was once again
stopped Mile traveling eastbound in Pennsylvania.
and detained the same Israeli nationals identified earlier, were During questioning by the Pennsylvania State Police, the Israelis advised that they weren't "in New York" on 09/11/2001. A gasoline purchase receipt recovered by the Pennsylvania State Police seems to contradict their claim in that the receipt, dated 09/11/2001, was for gasoline purchased in New Jersey.”

“Male #3 appeared to be taking still photographs and video of Males #1 and #2 with the WTC in the background. All of the males appeared to be jovial. The smiled, they hugged each other and they appeared to "high five" one another.
is certain that the first fire at the WTC had
just started. The second explosion had not yet occurred when she noticed these males. There did not appear to be any other persons in the parking lot area.”

“Pursuant to this information, East Rutherford, NJ police 'authorities stopped an Urban Moving Systems van at a prepositioned roadblock which was occupied by males similar to those described by witnesses above. The van had been traveling eastbound along State Route 3 in New Jersey. Following the stop, police detained five (5) individuals, all Israeli Nationals, on the grounds that they may have had information pertaining to the WTC explosions . The matter was later forwa rded to FBI Newark, and the individuals were detained based violations of immigration their status.”

“Film obtained from the 35mm camera of one of the as later developed and process ed by the Newark The photos clearly corroborate detaine Division
statements in that the Israelis are visibly happy on nearly all of the photgraphs . Further, the photos revealed that the Israelis had taken photographs from both the top of a van and from another location believed to be a parking lot near the Urban Moving Systems location in Weehawken, NJ. [The Bureau should note that based upon the evidence recovery log as completed by Newark, it is unclear which collected items belonged to which Israeli detainee.”

“vA# yC Another complaint Subsequent investigation by Newark'iminal Division Agents revealed a second eyewitness who • reported hav ing observed t he a white van in the same parking lot described by | | This eyewitness, however, observed the van in the parking lot as early as 8:00am on the morning of the explosions at WTC.”

Posted by Direct-Money-4206


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