Shooter Ryan Routh’s political donations

Posted by No-Mouse9004


  1. SS: Why are democracy destroying conspiracy theorists spreading baseless lies like this was a false flag to help Trump? Can these racist bigots show me the CNN, MSNBC, Pink News, Rolling Stone article and Taylor Swift tweet that explicitly say that was the case?

  2. Important_Piglet7363 on

    These assassination attempts are from within the government. Routh was CIA, or an operative and was following internal orders. The kid at the rally had been approached by people from DC repeatedly as evidenced by the cell phone trails from Dc to his house. They want us chasing what political party these people belonged to and blaming it on rhetoric, etc. There are elements within the government that cannot have Trump back in office.

  3. Have you narrowed all these down to a single Ryan Routh? Most people don’t make a spate of little donations, they make one medium or big one for convenience’s sake. And there has to be more than one man by that name in the state of Hawaii.

  4. Vegetable-Length-823 on

    My X account got attacked shortly after I told act blue to go fuck themselves while posting a link to the tren de agua apartment complex invasion video

    Now it makes perfect sense

  5. Act blue can’t be trusted to have factual data and we all just saw that recently so this doesn’t mean a whole lot. Just FYI

  6. On his twitter he claimed to vote for Trump 2016 and his more recent posts were more pro Vivek and haley. He seemed very pro Ukraine too from what I seen and had some anti Trump posts.

    Act Blue has a wide variety of causes you can donate to. I would have suggested pro Ukraine causes but this seems to early for that. There are 23 results for Ryan Routh (not all shown). The ones shown all are just after the 2020 election even some before Jan 6 so unlikely to be for trying to get a party elected or a reaction to Jan 6. Not sure what they for

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