1. SS

    And massive Blood Sacrifice on

    10 year anniversary

    (Apparently history’s been edited by a year here)

  2. the USA… IS [their] new world order

    the $1 fiat note shows it in plain sight (ie; the pyramid (their work) in front of a barren & desolate wasteland (the old world)

    the capstone will be seated finally once Canada, the US & Mexico finally become “one”.

    they’ve had their new world order for a long time.

    through peoples stupidity & narcissistic ways, we (as a people) are proven why we don’t have the ability to govern ourselves in the new world, therefore [they] will provide us a “savior” & establish [their] true end goal

    total control via world totalitarian government under the rule of a select “group of wise men” & a public figure known as the perfected god man, the illumined man.

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